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Ongoing research projects

LABAP Projects with financial support

2021-2025: Stratigraphic signature of past glaciations and its paleoclimatic implications - funded by CNPq
2020-2022: Deformation in sediments and sedimentary rocks - funded by CNPq

2018-2023: Assessing sedimentologic, stratigraphic and tectonic controls on the distribution and quality of clastic reservoirs - funded by Petrobras
Collaborative projects

2017-2022: The late Carboniferous - early Permian megafloristic succession in the Paraná Basin and climate change (UFRGS) - funded by CNPq


We have/had collaborative research with the following universities:

Prof. Paulo Paim

Prof. Roberto Iannuzzi

Prof. Paulo A. Souza


Prof. Claus Fallgatter

Prof. John Isbell

Prof. Mario Assine

Prof. Isabel Montañez

Prof. Ian Alsop


Our research is financially supported by the following agencies/companies:

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